At the start of every new season, I craft a series of goals to fulfill by the end of that quarter. One of my all-time favourites took place in Winter 2009 when I set a goal to start a book club. Despite crazy schedules and infrequent get-togethers, a small but dedicated group of us had a great run and read a few books of fiction.
The following year, I created another book club called The Modern-Day Superhero Book Club. It’s a virtual book club. And all modern-day superheroes can join. 🙂 So READ, share your thoughts with others and recommend your favourites. (It’s a great way to collaborate through dialogue and creativity.)
Here is a short list of my essential reading.
#1: Warrior of the Light: A Manual by Paulo Coelho
#2: The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life by Rosamund Stone Zander & Benjamin Zander
#3: Mission Inc.: The Practitioner’s Guide to Social Enterprise by Kevin Lynch & Julius Walls Jr.
#4: Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future by Peter Senge, C. Otto Scharmer, Joseph Jaworski & Betty Sue Flowers
#5: Getting to Maybe: How the World is Changed by Frances Westley, Brenda Zimmerman & Michael Patton
#6: Oh the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss
#7: Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers and Challengers by Alex Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur
#8: The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful and Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms by Danielle Laporte
Good for you Kristle. You can be sure I’ll work my way through your list of recommended books – even it means I’ll have to revert to my reading during meal time habits. Will bounce back my comments on each book to you once I hit the ground running. Meanwhile will bookmark this page and look forward to updates from you.